Liberal Arts or a traditional degree: Choose smartly!

Liberal arts
Liberal arts

Indian students traditionally had to make a tough choice after their 12th Grade to pick either science, Commerce, or Arts. This is for their higher education plans. So a student interested in building a career in economics could not pursue a course in biology. Even if it piqued his interest. Similarly, a student pursuing a computer science major could not opt for a psychology course as part of the traditional system. Enter Liberal Arts education into the scene.

Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts as a field of study give students the option to explore various subjects. This with the aim of allowing them to finally major in a field they would wish to make a career in.  The subjects that fall under Liberal Arts include social studies, economics, political science, media studies, mathematics, psychology, finance, literature, and many more. Many educationists believe that Liberal Arts is going to be the future of education in India. 

For students, there is a wide assortment of subjects to choose from. These are classified into two broad areas. Major subjects, which will be the foundational courses of the degree. And minor subjects, which will build further upon the core learning. The final degree is awarded at the completion of this 4-year program. And dependent on the choice of the student’s chosen major. India has continued to see accelerated growth in enrollment for Liberal Arts programs. A Liberal Arts education develops analytical and critical thinking skills. The focus on multiple disciplines, teamwork, creativity, and organizational skills sets a high bar that may be considered. This by some to be superior to the traditional degree courses that focus entirely on the theory and textbook approach to learning.

Many people are under the misconception that Liberal Arts in India won’t be at par with international universities. However, there are several universities in India that have made a reputation on the global stage in terms of their program quality and value for money. Some of the top universities in India for liberal arts are Ashoka, FLAME, Krea, Shiv Nadar, Shoolini, O.P. Jindal, NMIMS, and Symbiosis.

Cracking the admission process for these universities is usually not as simple as filling an application form. Most of these colleges have an aptitude test that students must take. A personal interview is conducted with each candidate. This is to weigh on their skills and experiences in high school. The admissions team at these colleges also look at candidates’ academic record, SAT score, personal essays, and extracurricular activities. In order to evaluate their fitment with the college’s ethos and culture. 

The admission process at these colleges will require you to keep a check on the university’s website for all upcoming tests. These tests are the first hurdle and are similar to the SAT/ACT examinations that are taken by students when they apply to a foreign university. Some universities even accept the SAT scores for undergrad admission. However, students must pay close attention to the test syllabus and dates as it is different for each university. 

The next step in the process is to fill in an application form. That is usually on the official website of the college. Ensure the student fills in every detail about themselves, their achievements, skills, leadership positions, volunteering, and every other noteworthy detail that would make their profile unique and attractive for the admissions panel. As part of the admission form students are also required to write a 500 to 1000 word personal essay. This personal essay is what several admission panels review in a great amount of depth. As it highlights each individual’s creativity and brings out their personality sharply.  

If you get shortlisted, the final step will be a personal interview that the admission committee has with selected students. This is the final hurdle, and for most candidates to ace this part. It’s as simple as being aware of your body language, exuding confidence, and just being yourself. Speak with specificity and brevity. And communicate the main message clearly and pepper a few details for each response to present yourself impactfully during the interview.  

Today top MNC’s and reputed Indian corporate houses are recruiting graduates from Liberal Arts schools in India. People who have a holistic approach and possess knowledge of more than one specialist area are in demand in fields such as marketing, consulting, journalism, management, and public relations. In the meantime, Liberal Arts schools continue to grow across India and offer the promise of molding each student into a responsible global citizen.

For professional and expert guidance on your Liberal Arts Schools Applications, do contact our experts here at LilacBuds. Our mentoring team will help you craft the best admissions strategy for becoming part of this futuristic education model. 



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