How do I choose subjects for IGCSE? A PARENT’S GUIDE

IGCSE Curriculum

IGCSE(International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is known to be the most popular international curriculum for students gearing up for high school education. This two-year program allows the students the freedom to choose subjects from a wide bank of 70 subjects, including 30 languages. 

IGCSE is a 30-year-old curriculum planned and developed by the Cambridge University Examinations and falls under the registered trademark of Cambridge University. 

What makes the curriculum truly stand apart is the inquiry-based learning approach and constant application of knowledge. IGCSE is widely accepted by the world’s top institutions as well as employers. 

How do I choose the right subjects for IGCSE?

How do choose the right subjects for IGCSE?

The IGCSE, which offers a broad and balanced education system offers a wide range of subjects to choose from. It is important to choose the right subjects as it is the foundation for your academic future and career goals. This can be overwhelming for many students. Here are some factors that can help you pick the right subject:

1. Understand the structure of IGCSE

The curriculum of IGCSE comprises a wide number of subjects so the students can tailor their education to their future aspirations. Students need to choose a combination of core and elective subjects. 

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and more.   

Humanities and Social Sciences: History, Geography, Economics, Business Studies, and more.   

Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and more.   

Mathematics: Mathematics and Additional Mathematics.   

Creative, Technical, and Vocational Subjects: Art and Design, Music, Computer Science, and more.   

2. Keep your child’s strengths and interests into consideration

Here’s a simple framework to help you make informed decisions:

  1. Identify Interests: What does your child enjoy doing? Are they passionate about music, sports, or technology?
  2. Assess Strengths and Weaknesses: What subjects does your child excel in? Are there any areas where they struggle?
  3. Explore Career Options: Research careers that align with your child’s interests and strengths. This can help them understand the subjects required for these paths.
  4. Consider College Requirements: If your child plans to attend college, research the admission requirements for their desired programs. This will help them choose subjects that meet those prerequisites.

Picking subjects that align with your strengths and area of interest can not just enhance academic performance but also make learning more fun. For instance, if your child has a passion for science, consider choosing additional electives related to science. Similarly, if you think they have a flair for languages or creativity, pick arts and more languages. 

Subject Decisions for Grade 8 to Grade 9 Transition:

  • Language Choice: Many schools offer a choice of languages beyond English, such as Hindi, French, or Spanish. Consider your child’s interests and future career aspirations.
  • Foundation Courses: Some schools offer flexibility in choosing foundation courses like computer science or art that you can align with your child’s learning.

Subject Decisions for Grade 10 to Grade 11 Transition:

  • Stream Selection: This is the big one! Popular streams include Science (Medical/Non-Medical), Commerce, Humanities, and Arts. Help your child understand the career paths associated with each stream.

3. Research about future career prospects

Different career choices require different educational backgrounds and skill sets as a prerequisite. So, if you have a specific career goal in mind, spend some time researching the requirements as well as the prospects of that subject. 

For example:

  • Engineering: Strong emphasis on Mathematics and Physics.
  • Medicine: Focus on Biology and Chemistry.
  • Business: Subjects like Business Studies, Economics, and Accounting may be beneficial.

You can also seek help from career counseling services, industry guides, and various relevant websites to understand the right subjects for your choice of career. 

4. Check availability and prerequisites for your subject

Some schools may not offer every IGCSE subject and additionally, many subjects have eligibility criteria. It is ideal to consult the school advisors and understand which subjects are available to you. Make sure that the subjects you choose are also aligned with what the school offers and your academic background. 

5. Balance your subject load

This is the most important factor to keep in mind when choosing subjects for IGCSE. While it is important to choose subjects that you are passionate about, it is also important to balance your workload. Go for a mix of subjects that keep your load manageable and avoid burnout. For this, consider the difficulty level of the subject before making the choice. 

6. Seek help from teachers and career counselors

It’s perfectly normal for children to feel unsure about their subject choices. Here are some tips to help them:

  • Explore Different Options: Encourage your child to take elective courses or participate in extracurricular activities to explore different subjects in the prior semester.
  • Seek Guidance: A school teacher or mentor can provide support and guidance during this time.
  • Don’t Rush: Remind your child that they have time to make decisions. It’s okay to take their time and explore different options.

Seeking External Assistance

A career counselor or educational psychologist can offer invaluable assistance in helping your child navigate their subject choices. They can:

  • Conduct Aptitude Tests: These tests can help identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Provide Career Guidance: Independent Counselors can help your child explore different career options and understand the educational requirements for each.
  • Offer Support and Encouragement: A counselor can provide a safe space for your child to discuss their concerns and receive support.


Picking the right subjects for your IGCSE is an important step in shaping your career. Understanding the structure, researching your career paths, considering your interests, and taking the right guidance can help you make a well-informed decision that aligns with your future plans and promises that you will enjoy what you do!

To offer the right guidance, LilacBuds has a panel of IGCSE experts who help you understand the academic choices and guide you toward the right subject options to set you on the path to success. Contact us today!


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